Follow us on social media or join our mailing list for future updates.
Facebook: Connect with our global team.
Twitter: Get the latest updates on the project.
Instagram: See photos from our field sites.
Mailing list: We will occasionally send you updates and bird songs to make your inbox sing.
Github: If you are a programmer, you can contribute to the Open Source software we are developing.
iNaturalist: Join our Songs of Adaptation project today!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Songs of Adaptation provides a platform for global engagement in telling the stories of our changing world. Scientific observations are coupled with community participation through a two-way dialogue.
Support this work through participation or contribution. Your contributions can fund such things as community climate change awareness training, bioacoustic monitoring, a wildlife camera, or the development of middle school curriculum.
For example,
$10,000 supports training of a new artificial intelligence (AI) model. Local knowledge is integrated into the AI, turning data into information that communities can use. With these models, we can track rare species in Bolivia, endangered species along the Chesapeake Bay, and detect changes over time.
$2000 pays for a new monitoring station. How about a biodiversity hot spot in South America? Or a middle-school in rural West Virginia, USA? Or what about more Songs of Adaptation from a remote valley near Mt. Everest?
$1000 provides English and computer training for a field technician in a developing country. This training gives our technicians the ability to better participate in the global project dialogue, as well as skills to improve their livelihood in an increasingly globalized world.
$500 provides community development training for a potential leader in rural Nepal. Community members who have gone through this training have gone on to start their own guest houses, increased family incomes, and become community activists.
$200 pays for a wildlife camera installation in a biodiversity hot spot. What about those quiet big cats we know are there….bioacoustics doesn’t capture everything!
$100 pays for a hard drive to transport data from Nepal or Bolivia. Internet connectivity is low in many of the areas we work, and data must be transported by hand on external hard drives until it can be uploaded to the cloud. Don’t worry, we make copies. A typical data path might include….backpack through the jungle, transfer from SD card to hard drive on a porch overlooking a remote village, motorcycle to town, car to airport, plane to capital city.
Other amount: Any contribution you provide furthers this work to support sustainable community adaptation to a changing world. Thank you!
As part of the global Songs of Adaptation project you will receive access to standardized methodology and a framework for participating in a scientific and community multi-dimensional dialogue. Data management, analysis, and summaries are part of this global framework.
Participation in the Songs of Adaptation project is open to all. You can participate by contributing iNaturalist observations, installing a monitoring station in your backyard, or by creating a partnership for scientific observation and community engagement. We welcome all levels.
Host a Monitoring Station
High-level community engagement and training are part of hosting a biomeridian monitoring station. Local partners (national, regional, local) are a must. If you are interested in this level of partnership, contact us to discuss potentials! We’d love to add you to our global family that currently includes Nepal and Bolivia.
Educational Partners
Join our team of partners! You would be among a growing community of outdoor education schools, scout troops, land owners, and conservation groups.
(You can start by joining our iNaturalist project and show us observations in your area!)
Partnering with education organizations, we provide methodology, suggestions for placement of instrumentation, curriculum development, iNaturalist training, and general support. For a small monetary investment you can buy instrumentation and tap into our global network. Contact us (or email to learn how your organization can join us to discover your place and your changing world!