The SEED-SCALE method was developed by Future Generations in 1992 with the goal of improving lives and sustaining this progress. It can be used to replicate and scale-up community-based advancement activities around the world. As the history of its use grows, the method becomes more robust. Teams around the world grow more experienced and more interlinked, sharing knowledge and helping each other. Learn how to take the seed of your idea to scale. We’re here to help!

Four Basic Principles
- Build from success
- Form a three-way partnership between the Bottom-up, the Top-down, and the Outside-in
- Make decisions based on evidence and data rather than opinions
- Focus on behavior change rather than on providing services
Seven Tasks for Momentum
- Organize a local coordinating committee
- Identify successes already occurring
- Learn from the experiences of others
- Gather data about local results
- Make a work plan
- Hold partners accountable
- Make mid-course corrections to strengthen the Four Principles
Five Criteria for Self-Evaluation
- Inclusiveness
- Sustainability
- Holism
- Interdependence
- Iteration
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